Like many Neighbourhood Houses there is a lot that happens at KCLC. We develop and adapt our programs to support our community needs and suits our evolving community.
We are the starters, the connectors, we fill the gaps and support community to achieve their goals. We do with, not for. We are after all just one of you.
We have a small workforce who work with our community services providers and volunteers to deliver a significant number of programs and opportunities to our community.
Family Support Services
Family Support Services empowers you with the tool needed to start your child‘s life with the best opportunities by connecting with the service that supports you to develop the skills, confidence and strength as a parent. For more information click here.
Early Learning Program
KCLC Early Learning program includes many areas of preschool children's development. Trained educators support your child through play in a learning and developmental framework to ensure the best for your child. Our program includes 3 year old Kinder; 4/5 year old Kinder and Long Daycare. For more information and enrolment form click here.
Material Aid Program
KCLC's material aid program supports people with essential items. We accept referrals from organisations across Victoria, supporting families and individuals who are suffering as a result of extreme circumstance. Extreme circumstance can strike anyone at any time.
No interest and no charges, EVER
Washing machine broke down? Unexpected car repairs? Car registration due? Need a new laptop for work or school? Moving and need support with bond or rent in advance?
Unexpected expenses are bound to pop up from time to time. NILs help you manage your money and you only pay back what you borrow, nothing more.
Internet Cafe
Our internet cafe enables you to access the internet for a low cost hourly fee. This ensures that the internet is accessible by everyone within our community.
Equipment Hire
KCLC has a wide variety of equipment that is available for community to hire. These include;
Healthy Hearts Trailer
Pressure Washer
For more information and Booking form click here.
Dementia Alliance
KCLC is lead agency on our communities Dementia Alliance which supports increasing community awareness and reducing the stigma of a dementia diagnosis. This Alliance consists on several organisations and individuals who work in partnership. To find more information regarding Dementia Alliance and other Dementia resources click here.
Dementia Support Group
KCLC in partnership with Kyabram District Health Service we provide support to the dementia support group. This group provides social connections and information for people living with dementia and their carers. This group meets on the last Thursday of each month, with other activities (determined by the group) at various times throughout the year. To learn more click here.
Campapse Family Violence Action Group
KCLC is a founding partner of the Campaspe Family Violence Action Group (CFVAG). This action group is supported by many agency partners. For more information on this group and the work we undertake visit website here.
Room Hire
KCLC has many different spaces for hire for community and organisations delivering services within Kyabram District.
Spaces are available for classroom style, theatre style, meeting rooms, computer labs, exercises classes.
Learn Local Classes
KCLC offers many learn local classes to meet the needs of our community. This will change to meet the needs of the community. Our current classes include;
Computer courses, tablet and mobile phone, woodworking, customer service, cleaning, kitchen hand to name a few. To find KCLC's classes available this term click here.
Centrelink Agent
Our Centrelink Agency provides face-to-face support to customers wanting to access Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support assistance. You are able to use the computers and phones provided to self access support, or free WIFI to use your own device or our team can assist with:
Verifying identification on behalf of Centrelink
Assisting people with creating MyGov accounts
Submitting required paperwork
Providing general information about payments and obligations.
Outreach Programs
KCLC is open to various agencies and programs delivering services at our location. KCLC does not attempt to provide all services ourselves, instead connecting with a wide variety of services and programs to ensure our community receives the programs important to them. Providers are able to book rooms for hire to support their service delivery.
Exercise and Wellbeing Classes
KCLC works with community to determine what exercise and wellbeing classes are needed within our District. Classes currently provided include; young at heart classes which are low impact classes, Parkinson group exercise classes and Tai chi classes. For more information and to book classes click here.
First Aid Courses
First Aid courses are available for community to ensure they are up to date and ready for any emergency.
Community Garden and Traffic School
The Kyabram Community garden and traffic school is a wonderful dual use space that people are able to use to grow their own fruit and vegetables, experience the impressive sculptures and for younger community members learn about their road rules.
The space is located at 27 Lake Road Kyabram.
Home to groups
Many community groups use the building at KCLC to hold their meetings. This space is available for all community. Bookings are made at kclc@kclc.com.au or in person at KCLC.
KCLC is an auspice for many community groups and activities. If you need DGR status, a newly formed group or need support for your project to access grants or funding, KCLC can support you and your application.
KCLC is able to support program participation in community events and activities. These supports will be tailors to you and your needs.
The Giving Place
The giving place is where community are able to leave items to share with other community members. This is located out the front of KCLC and is accessible for all to utilise.
Book Swap and Community Library
Near KCLC reception is the Kyabram Bookswap. This initiative was established by students at Kyabram P-12 College. Books are donated for community to freely share and donate any books for their use. We also manage the community library next to the Giving place to enable access to a smaller selection of books 24/7.
Womens Shed and supporter of the Mens Shed
KCLC manages the women's shed in Kyabram and is a supporter of the men's shed. The women's shed is led by local woman Andrea Morgan.
The Kyabram Men's shed is an independently managed organisation which KCLC supports through equipment and other common interests.
Craft Group
KCLC's craft group is a group what work on both joint and individual craft projects that enable community connection in a supportive environment. The craft group have been responsible for a variety of initiatives including; dignity bags, Kyabram Boomerang bags, beanies for preemies, quilts for palliative care and quilts for Rochester. For more information and to join the craft group click here.
Bookclub meet monthly at KCLC to enjoy their reading together and support their connection with community. To join the book club click here.
Afterschool Cooking
Afterschool cooking is a youth program, which provides youth the opportunity to expand their cooking knowledge and skills. For more information and to join the Afterschool Cooking class click here.
Food Swap
If you grow your own produce you are welcome to come down and meet with other producers to swap your excess with someone else. This program reduces waste, increases tips and tricks of growing your own produce with others. For more information regarding the Kyabram Food swap and meeting times click here.
Photocopying and Laminating
KCLC can photocopy and laminate items for community. This is a cost for community.
Tax Help Program
The Tax Help Program is a free ATO initiative to assist eligible people earning $60,000 or less lodge their tax return online. For more information on this program click here.
Winter Coat/Blanket Drive
KCLC accepts coats and blankets year round, but especially in winter. All donations are welcome into this program. Please contact KCLC for more information on how to donate.
Container Deposit Scheme
Multicultural Programs
Social Enterprises
117 Albion St, Kyabram is home to Kyabram's Container Deposit location.
KCLC provides this service to support community groups and our wider community to easily participate in the scheme and benefit from the 10c refund for all eligible containers.
To Learn More Click Here.
2024 will see KCLC provide Multicultural programs within many of our services. In addition 2024 will see a Multicultural Festival in 2024.
KCLC runs many social enterprises to raise funds for our programs and new initiatives. These include;
Rags in a bag
Boomerang Bags
Op Shop gifts and clothing
Coffee Shop
Book Swap